Thursday 9 February 2012


Rindu , what mean by 'RINDU ' ? erm actually , windu nieyh adalh satu prasaan yang mane kte ingt at sme0ne expecially owng yg itew syng (bofie lar uh kn) XD , windu nieyh kdng2x jhat taw , dye bole wat itew x mkan , wat itew nges jew , tpy windu nieyg gak ajar itew untuk sntiase mngingati '' SOMEONE THAT REALLY SPECIAL IN OUR LIVE '' right ?  (✿◠‿◠) . .
 # petua : klu windu at 'smeone' nengok lngit (☾) , sbb pew ? erm babnyew lngit x penah trpisah even kowg n 'smeone' jaoh cngt  ^^ . (ptua nieyh wat mlm jew taw) , klu tkot nak kluar mlm2x uh , ajk ar cpe2 okay ==' . but if u allzs ngah dting kew , agy bst taw , ajk dye nengk sme2 , huhu , msti cweet cm candy kn , ngeeee >.< , but nk agy mriah ajk 1 fmly n jiran u allzs uh , wahh mriah kn , ue sbb PM slalu sbut ' 1 MALAYSIA ' , wakaka , okay , fullstop , (≧◡≦) . . 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

It's about GIRLS

Girls are much more than what they seem. They're more than just the makeup, the clothes, the shoes, the bags, the sunglases, the outside. They're more than just whiny bitches. We're so much more. Too bad some boys can't understand. A girl life is a bitch itself. On a daily basis we deal with bitches, backstabbers, lies, boyfriends, crushes, exes, appreance, insecurity, bullying, and so much more. Everyday we wake up , we have to shower, we have to fix our hair. Then we have to get dressed. We spend hours infront of our mirror for you. making sure we look good. Then we have to apply make up. While doing all this, there's so much to consider. Especially gossipers and guys. If something's too short, they'll call us a whore. Something's too long they'll call us ugly. We go through buckets full of ice cream because we've had way too many broken hearts. We cry because bitches wanna hate and boyfriends wanna bitch. We can't complain because we don't wanna be annoying. We trust people then they end up stabbing us in the back. We learn stuff the hard way. So please appreciate us. We need attention and cares from you. Ok bhaii :)

Monday 6 February 2012

Ha ! 6pak kan chocolate tuh , erm nyum , nyum , cdap nyer , caye nie GILE chocolate , agy2 ble ade kat depan mate , tapy kalau kat depan kowang caye buad tak taw jew lar , MALU meyh ! ngeee >.< , owg cakap kan chocolate nieyh ley ilangkan tension n cdey , sO ape lagy u all , pi amek chocolate , makan banyak2x , tpy kalau boyfie u allzs mara u allzs bab u allzs dah demox , jgn mara caye x tau XD , but actually , CHOCOLATE nieyh x mnggemokkan pon , sumer owang taw berat badan akan brtambah bile tenage(kalori) yang digunakan kurang dari kalori yang diambil oleh bdan u allzs , chocolate nieyh boleh wat ubat taw , pnyakit sawan ! kih3x , just , chocolate ley wat ubat untuk sakit MELANKOLIK ! (: . .

Monday 30 January 2012


Heyy kowng , nmpak an gmbO at atas ue ? Ha itu larh MY SUPERHERO , MY SOUL , MY MUCHUK , enCem kn ? , jeLes lar tuh ,  mUke dye nieyh cm chineSe riGht ? keLebihan tuh , ngeee (: , Lar Kowng nieyh jGn neNgok smpAi kuAr air Liur tuh , RILEX lar yew , NAK ? bnyak awk punyer lemak , itu saye punye taw , LIMITED EDITION , hihihi , (PERASAAN) , but who cares right ? tpy aquwrh taw SUPERHERO kowng sumer TOMEY n HOT kn , yewLa , x pew , x cares pOn , hihihi , em tpy 2.2.2012 , ari uh , MY SUPERHERO trsyg nieyh eksiden , ( SUPERHERO tpy bole eksiden ) ? ==' , erm cian at dye meyh , :( , why this hppen to him T__T , em pape pOn ' ILOVEYOUSOFUCKDAMNMUCH ' (ILYSFDM) XD ,  dh lar x mO stOry lbey at kOwng sumer (KEDEKUT) , k full stOp  , :) <3 . .